Welcome! We are so glad that you are considering partnering with us in the wonderful ministry of the Gospel here at Bull Shoals Methodist Church. This space is intended to highlight help wanted positions within the Church, along with volunteer descriptions and how to apply for those. Our intent is to make your search and the application process easy. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call the Church Office at: (870)-445-4113.
Bull Shoals Methodist Church
Part-Time Position for Pianist/accompanist
The person will be a Christian and a faithful asset to the Sunday morning worship experience.
The pianist will have competent piano skills and will play congregational hymns at Sunday morning worship.
The pianist, when possible, will coordinate Sunday music with the pastor including choice of hymns to match the theme of the pastor’s message, as well as including special music (i.e., preludes, offertories, accompaniment for solos, quartets, etc.)
The individual answers to the Pastor in correlation with the Staff Parish Relations Committee.
Aside from Sunday worship service, work hours are flexible.
The current salary is $50 per Sunday service played.
The initial contract period will be discussed and includes occasional informal evaluations.
Candidate should be willing to submit to a background check.
Letter of Application. The letter should address work experience as outlined in the job description.
Current resume.
Please submit documents in .doc, .docx, or .pdf file format.
Part-time Pianist/accompanist Job Description
Pg. 2
Future Career Growth Possibilities:
Be an organized supportive asset to the Choir Director in planning for future anthems and programs. (i.e., Christmas Eve, Easter, or others) as well as serving as accompanist at weekly choir rehearsals.
Prepare for large worship settings such as a cantata or concert.
Accompany or support a Praise Band worship experience.
Recruit special musicians for the worship service. Examples might be from local concerts, Branson theaters, etc.